Category Archives: Tango Tips

What can and cannot be recycled

Tangoskip Bin Hire takes our nation’s efforts to recycle seriously.  Not everything needs to end up in a landfill.  Where possible, Tangoskip works with our recycling partners to recycle the waste we collect. If you are passionate about recycling, you will find the information below helpful. Getting rid of waste There are many different types […]

How to improve your home’s exterior

The exterior of your home is important when it comes to making a good first impression, especially when it comes to attracting potential home buyers or renters. If you’re looking to improve your curb appeal, focus on improvements to your landscaping, front door, porch, driveway, siding and any other exterior elements that are easily seen […]

Dare to Recycle

“How dare you!” Famous phrase spoken by teen climate activist Greta Thunberg. That moment witnessed live by the world was a defining moment on the importance of recycling. Regardless of which side of the climate-change divide you stand, you will agree that recycling is important if we want to continue to survive on our planet. […]